Just Deliver a Baby? Do these 5 things next!


Here are 5 To-Do’s I want you to get done before checking yourself out of the hospital and bringing your newborn home. Go!

GIT Tip #1:

When sitting in your hospital bed holding your new baby texting lots of pictures, use your phone to make calls to your new pediatrician and your ob/gyn. Your baby’s first appointment will be when he’s 2 weeks old so get that scheduled ASAP. You want to shoot for a morning time when the doctor is less backed up and your baby is most calm. Your appointment for a vaginal birth will be 6 weeks post delivery and 1 week for a c-section.

GIT Tip #2:

Designate a gatekeeper regarding visitors. Who is going to be the bad guy to get them out of your house when all you want to do is be alone and sleep? I am serious, a 1 hour visit will seem like a lifetime, it’s time to go Aunt Susie…

GIT Tip #3:

Have someone go grocery shopping for you! Your baby weight is not going to miraculously melt away, take it from me, I’ve gained and lost 60 pounds during each of my 3 pregnancies. Your kitchen needs to be stocked with healthy, low calorie foods. Ideas are low fat proteins, fruits, veggies and soup are all awesome because you’re not going to have a lot of time to feed yourself. The food people drop off will not be healthy or low fat, so you must pre-plan and be armed with healthy food choices. Please get rid of the junk to get rid of your Telly tubby. Plus you’ll feel better and have better energy the more you take care of yourself.

GIT Tip #4:

Have your home cleaned the morning you check out of the hospital.  You will be bringing home tons of hospital crap and you’ll feel much happier returning to a zen, clean home vs. a pig pen.  Your new family member is going to be out of control so help your brain handle this totally out of control experience by living in a clean and organized space.  Then, as soon as possible unpack the hospital junk and throw away what you don’t need.  Bye bye stuff!

GIT Tip #5:

Before your due date put together 5 outfits you can throw on at a moment’s notice after you bring your baby home so you feel put together.  Ideas are:

  • A button down
  • A patterned, loose knit (patterns are great for camouflaging “sins”)
  • Your favorite 3rd trimester leggings
  • Scarves
  • Flats

Your goal here is to think chic yet comfortable.  You won’t have much time for YOU after the baby is born so get your wardrobe together before you deliver so you feel great about yourself when you’re sleep deprived.

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