9 Kid-Approved Ways to Throw a Socially Distanced Birthday Bash

Everyone in the world was thrown for a loop when the COVID-19 virus first hit the news. Governments argued about how to best handle the situation, stores had to close their doors, and schools began shutting down leaving kids everywhere thrown into a new lifestyle that was both exciting and scary.

We still have reasons to celebrate life during pandemics, though!

From graduations and weddings to summer parties, gathering safely is important and these memories, especially in the darker days, will always be cherished. That’s why families are loving this list of nine kid-approved birthday parties for social distancing!

Ride-On Party

One of the most kid-approved birthday bashes on the list is the ride-on party! For the little ones there could be a variety of toddler ride-on options such as police cars, trucks, jeeps, ATVs, and even motorcycles! (If you have no idea where to choose so many types, Tobbi’s ride-on car can solve the problem.) These 6-12V battery powered toys offer personal space packed with lots of fun and the perfect battery duration for a birthday bash. Have your friends bring their own for a car-washing party and let them trade off riding everyone else’s! Older kids wanting to get in on the action? Head to the dirt bike track where the big kids can make laps while the little ones ride in the grass. It’s the best combination for families!

Parade Party

If you child loves to be the center of attention, look no further down the list, this is the party for them! For this parade, it is popular to have a big yard sign with “Happy Birthday…” standing tall in the yard for the birthday kid to take pictures with and pose by. Loved ones drive by at a designated time whooping and hollering as a way of celebrating. Sometimes they toss out presents or snack treats as gifts for the birthday person. With the right preparations, friends and family could even decorate their own cars with balloons or writings of encouragement, making this simple birthday parade party even more special!

Virtual Party

It seems like everything has gone virtual these days, so why couldn’t we take birthday parties there? With Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and Google Hangouts it’s never been easier to connect face-to-face from far away! Anyone who wants to can decorate their hangout space for the event and maybe even prepare the same snacks to enjoy. One way to take virtual birthday parties up a notch would be playing a game or watching a movie together. You can use Netflix to stream the same movie at the same time even pausing when one person needs to get up. For gaming via live chat we love trivia challenges or even Who’s the G.O.A.T.!

Adventure Party

Hiking trails and playgrounds are an easy way to get the kids together without actually getting the kids together. For in & out trails you could turn it into a foot race with a goal destination or on loop trails there could be party activity stations setup. Live closer to more explorative hiking options? Make them part of it! Hike up to watch the rivers flow while enjoying snacks together or visit the sand dunes to jump, flop, roll, or even board down!

Tent Party

Camping is always a favorite with the kids who enjoy nature but it isn’t always easy to keep your distance. Solve this by having a tent party! Each child would have their own tent circling a campfire. Instead of sitting on logs close together they would sit at the openings of their individual tents swapping stories, singing songs, and possibly playing games. Again, trivia would be great but also ones that work well with personal space such as “Simon Says” make for great tent party activities.

Chalk Party

Sometimes we need to take social distancing even farther and not have anyone over at the same time at all, the risks are just too great. For these moments in life, it can still be fun to have friends and loved ones drive by at different times throughout the day. Hosts would leave a basket of chalk on the driveway, goodie bags, and maybe snacks or water. As guests come by they would draw a piece of art for the birthday kiddo to enjoy and get a selfie for the memories. Chalk parties are a great way to throw a completely social distanced birthday party!

Movie Party

When we first think about watching a movie together we imagine being cuddled around the living room or den with bean bag chairs, sleeping bags, or pillows galore. During the pandemic though, everything has been moving outside and that’s why a driveway movie party would be perfect for a socially distanced birthday bash! With a projector set up outside, families can livestream a movie on the garage doors, side of the house, or even on some sheets hung from a tree correctly. Add in snacks and personal personal spaces, you’d have a birthday party the kids would love!

Swim Party

Another fun outside party where everyone is together without being together is a swim party. While this isn’t a fool-proof way to have a safe birthday, the chlorine or saltwater of the pool does help cut down on the transmission of airborne/bodily fluid swapped cold viruses. As long as everyone keeps their space, a regular summer birthday party swimming date could be the perfect answer for your celebration!

Treasure Hunt

Show us a kid that doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt… we’ll wait. For this party there are two ways to make it happen. Either the hosts send out a list of items to find around the guests’ own environments or even more exciting: a full-blow treasure hunt! For the second option, families would prepare for the big day by leaving clues in a specified vicinity that all lead to one another, and finally… THE TREASURE! The game-space is up to the hosts and could be as small as the backyard or as large as the city. The skies are truly the limit with a treasure hunt party!

With the uneasy days we’re facing, taking a moment to celebrate life and all of the good in the world has never been more important. The blips of normalcy and love are what will fuel us through the hard times, keeping the lights in our children’s eyes shining bright. Being mindful at events may be a priority but with these kid-approved birthday parties for social distancing, joy and laughter are sure to fill the air. Have you thrown a socially distanced birthday party? We’d love to hear about it!

Emily Vetetoe is a digital nomad and mother of five who loves reading, writing, and homeschooling. She and her family have been traveling full-time since August 2014 when they sold their house to fully embrace the idea that, “home is wherever we are together.” You can see more about their adventures over on Instagram or at TheVetetoeFamily.com.

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