A Single Mum’s Road to Health, Success and Self-Discovery

Being a single mum is one of the hardest jobs around, and it’s not getting any easier. If you want to be able to live your best life whilst still devoting yourself to your pride and joy, you need to start making space for you. It might seem like a selfish thing at first, but it’s really the best thing for both of you. After all, there’s no use spending every waking moment exhausted and stressed, is there?

Walking first thing in the morning kickstarts your metabolism

If your baby’s sleep pattern allows you to, why not take a walk with the buggy first thing in the morning? Go out in all weather so you have a routine that never gets disrupted by a bit of rain, and take pride in getting up early and stretching your legs. It’s a great way to have a sense of achievement whilst everyone is still rolling out of bed, and it’ll carry you through to lunchtime.

Take some time out with a solo holiday

Childcare is a must here, but if you can have your parents look after the little one for a week, or even a long weekend, use the time to get away and recharge your batteries. You want to be doing something restful for the mind, but that gets you moving about. Walking holidays in the country are a popular choice because they get you away from the hustle and bustle of the city; in addition, they give you plenty to do and see. It’s all about figuring out what’s best for you, so give it a little bit of thought tonight, and start planning before you go off the idea.

Resist the urge to comfort eat when you’re bored

Comfort eating is something we’re all guilty of, but sweets and junk food are no good for your mood and mental health. Resist the urge as often as you can, and keep plenty of already made salads and pasta dishes in the fridge. That way when you get the urge to pick at something, you can fall back on a little something you prepared earlier.

Make 15 minutes a day to read

15 minutes might sound like a lot when the baby is screaming the house down, but you’d be amazed at how much time you can find each day when you put your mind to it. The key here is to commit to doing it. Once you make that commitment to yourself, you’ll feel motivated to make it happen. Do it for seven days and it’ll become a habit for a lifetime.

Set yourself a goal, and say it out loud every day

Everyone needs a goal, and single mums are no different. Perhaps you want to drop 2 dress sizes, run your first 5k, or sell some crafts on Etsy. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s quantifiable. A goal you can put a date or a number to will focus the mind like nothing else, and it’ll give you the self-esteem you need on the days when all you want to do is get a few more minutes in bed.

Picture where you want to be in 12 months

Many single mums feel like they’re drifting through life, and that they have to put everything on hold to care for their new arrival. Whilst this is only natural, you can avoid falling into these negative patterns of thinking by picturing where you want to be this time next year. Give it some thought, and then work backward to where you are now. That’ll be the easiest way to figure out how you can make it happen.

Rebecca Brown is a freelance translator passionate about her work, and grateful for the travels it has taken her on. She has recently started writing about some of her experiences at RoughDraft.

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