5 Tips To Get It Together and Host a Kids Birthday Party!


birthday balloons

I have 3 kids with the oldest being 10 years old so I’m very familiar with hosting and attending kids’ birthday parties.  I have been to at-home parties as well as over-the-top here’s a  gift for every month of your baby’s first year of life parties.  I prefer to keep it simple because the reality is even basic parties are really expensive and your kid is going to have another birthday and another party, it’s okay if you don’t pay for the glow in the dark strobe light and circus performers flown in from Las Vegas.

GIT Tip#1: When choosing a location let your child choose, but, make it central to your invitees & make sure it’s reasonably priced because really, who are you trying to impress?  I am not impressed when a family shells out thousands of dollars, I’m saddened, because that’s the price of a nice handbag for Mommy.

GIT Tip#2: Keep the length to 90 minutes.  Keep it short and sweet, this way the kids leave on a high note.  If you’re not throwing a “drop off” party the parents who are forced to hang around will be less bored watching the clock thinking how they have better things to do and places to be than a child’s birthday party and get to stare at their watches way less.  I recently shortened Grey’s 6th birthday party at Pump It Up Party from a 2 hour party to 90 minutes because that’s plenty!

GIT Tip#3: Be a generous host and feed the grown-ups.  If you’re keeping the parents hostage at your party serve them food and drinks (nonalcoholic, alcoholic ones are even better)!  It doesn’t need to be fancy, but, include parents in your head count when ordering. It’s always better to have more than look cheap and run out.

GIT Tip#4: While your child is opening gifts keep a record of whom bought what so you can be the evil parent and make your child write thank you cards. Thank you notes are a way of teaching your child how to say “Thank you” and how to show gratitude and appreciation.  Plus, you can look back and see which parent cheaped out or re-gifted your child.

GIT Tip#5: Make your child write thank you notes for his presents.  Starting at age 4 he is able to sign his name or you can even make letters with dots that he can trace over to create letters.  I like to spread out this tedious, boring task by keeping it to 4 notes per weekend otherwise your child may revolt.  Make him pay to play.


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