5 Things To-Do Before Your Have Your Baby



About to have a baby?  Do this now!

GIT Tip #1:


Prior to pushing your baby out wash all the new clothes in Dreft to protect sensitive newborn skin.  Then make his closet pretty and savior it because it’ll never look this pretty again.

 GIT Tip #2:

Put baby’s diapers and wipes on all floors of your home.

And do not buy/use a bottle or wipe warmer!  Are you going to take the warmers with you when you finally emerge from your home?  No, you’re not!

GIT Tip #3: 

Buy A&D

It cures diaper rash fast, buy it so you’re prepared for a red bum.

GIT Tip #4:


Pack this in your hospital bag and after you push your baby out start wearing it right away.  This will get your stomach flat again, I promise!

GIT Tip #5: 

Pre-select 5 comfortable yet chic outfits from your closet that you can put on at a moment’s notice after you bring baby home.  While caring for a newborn you will have 2 minutes for yourself and if you have outfits grouped together from shoes to accessories you will feel less frazzled and more put together every day.



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