Category: Tips

Need mom-ME time? Here’s how to get it!

Everyone talks about needing “ME” time, but moms aren’t always convinced they really deserve it.  Moms often feel guilty for taking time away from their

Our Family’s Adventures in Oils

My crew is constantly on the go so I was excited to try out the Kids Line blends from Rocky Mountain Oils (RMO) in portable roll-on

Back to School Chic with Git Mom

The Blowtique Team was ecstatic to welcome back one of our favorite clients, Eirene Heidelberger, for there is a shining charisma to her that refuses to

Mom Shaming Hurts Only When You Let It

“Hey Judgy Judy! Yeah, you over there watching me, texting your friend about me or muttering under your breath to the other moms at school

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