How to Turn Screen Time into Learning Time

I am a huge advocate for screen time. Why? Because it helps to entertain my three boys when I simply cannot. Life as a working mother is not easy – I run my own parenting company in Chicago and tend to the needs of my family 24/7. Like most women, I’m constantly being pulled in different directions. My #1 mom hack for grabbing a little extra mommy-me time is age-appropriate screen time.

My youngest child will be attending preschool this September. Unfortunately, when he is at home I simply cannot dedicate the same amount of time and energy to his educational development that I did with his two older brothers. So, I outsource his learning as much as I can and I feel zero mom guilt about it!

For preschoolers I recommend Early Learning Academy. ABCmouse is a subscription-based digital education program for children ages 2–8, preschool through 4th grade. Subscribers can access learning activities, which include reading, math, science, social studies, music, and art. Parents can register up to three children in their family to ABCmouse, and set each one at their own level based on their age and ability. On the homepage you and your child can bond over creating his very own avatar based on his age, physical features, and even how he loves to dress.

What I love about ABCmouse is that although everything is all about learning, the format is fun and engaging. This means your child does not feel overwhelmed or frustrated. Another mom-win is that your child won’t get tired of the app because the options are endless, and grow with his learning ability. Activities include videos, coloring, learning games, poems, puzzles and songs.

Another great feature of ABCmouse is the reward system that motivates your child to complete each activity. For example, if he gets a perfect score for matching a picture to a letter, he earns a ticket, which fuels his learning incentive. He can then exchange his tickets for a prize at the end. This encourages your child to understand the concept of responsibility, and helps him learn about budgeting and prioritizing.

Need a shower break, mamma? Then ask your child to choose a book on ABCmouse. There will be endless choices supporting his interests. Instead of zoning out in front of YouTube, he can read or be read to. Talk about guilt-free mommy time!

If you support screen time, use it wisely and sneak in learning in the process! It’s a mommy win-win!


The Early Learning Academy curriculum can be accessed on tablets and smartphones using apps from iTunes, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore for Android.

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